What can I eat?
It was my first challenge as a beginner traveler in first traveling out of the home.
At first, I tried to find foods similar to Iranian foods, But most of the time I was hungry! Also, I tried to cook all the time and it failed. I found out that I should change my lifestyle! I eat Indonesian foods every day and actually I forget my favorite Iranian foods (It looks like a dream).
I think a good meal make a traveler Happy, healthy and full-energy. If it is important for you, let’s review some tips and tricks about Indonesian foods.
1- Food is everywhere
You don’t need to search for food in Indonesia. You can grab some finger food or find a small restaurant that they are called “Warung”.
2- Spicy food!
Red colors attract you to foods. You are hungry and they look tasty foods with tomato sauce! Have you tried red foods in Indonesia?! Exactly it is chili sauce and most of the Indonesian foods are hot (spicy). If you don’t like hot foods or maybe get sick, unfortunately, you will die in Indonesia (Just kidding :D)!
What’s the solution? When you order food just tell them “Tidak Pedas, Tidak sambal” and enjoy your food.
3- The kingdom of rice and noodle!
You can’t escape from rice and noodle! They are the main foods in Indonesia and you should try different types of foods base on rice or noodle. You can find Nasi (means rice) and Mie (means noodle) in all menus, like Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng, I promise you gonna love it.
4- On the beach
You can walk on the beach, watch boats, listen to the sounds of waves, drink coconut water, and grab some fish. Actually, fresh seafood is the best islands dishes. How do you feel about it?
5-vegetarian’s paradise
Are you vegetarian? Most of the Indonesian foods are made of vegetable. So, you don’t need to search for vegetarian restaurants. Gado-Gado is one of vegetarian’s favorite food.
Also, you can grab delicious fruits. I met two sisters on my last trip to Bali. They are vegan. They just eat fruits since 6 years ago and inspired me to change my lifestyle and being vegetarian.
Are you interested in cooking Indonesian food? I will write top recipes in the future!